Moving in and out of the heat

My attitude towards  the heatwaves we now experience in the UK has changed over the past five years. Perhaps it comes with getting older and feeling the heat more but there is a slight trepidation when weather gets very hot and doesn't seem to relent, a pleasure to start with and then a feeling of discomfort. I am soon seeking shade.

My inspiration for a title for this painting evolved towards the end of finishing painting it. I had done some sketchbook drawings for a female figure sitting and it was the facial expression (sourced from a photograph) that determined the direction of the whole piece.

studio easel with painting heatwave

Several elements in creation taking place at once

I have a few ways of working that have developed over the years. I am currently focusing on a big shape within the painting that I want a figure to connect with in some way. This is apparent in Heatwave and also Holiday Vibes, another recent figurative painting.

In Heatwave the big deciding shape was to be an almost fire like shape coming from the right that connected with the oranges of the figure. Using a red and orange based palette almost determines a feeling of  heat and combined with certain shapes I feel goes to re-emphasise a feeling.

Heatwave, acrylic on canvas, 1m x 80cm


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