Jane Denman Artist - Blog

  • Wake Up Call

    A preoccupation of painting can be to keep external thoughts (other than painting) at bay. So circumstances such as world news inevitably filter in to my head when I am painting. 
  • Getting Picky

    Sometimes there are too many things going on in a painting and recently I have started to realise this. For elements of a painting to work, at least for me, they need space to breathe. Too many colours, shapes, drips need attending to and this is how a lot of my time is taken up.

  • Moving in and out of the heat

    My attitude towards  the heatwaves we now experience in the UK has changed over the past five years. Perhaps it comes with getting older and feeling the heat more but there is a slight trepidation
  • A great reason for moving to this new website

    Two fantastic reasons for my new website

    Welcome to the new look website and although it is still being tweaked and changes implemented, I am pleased with how it looks. I do all of the website myself and changing from one company to another is never taken lightly ...read more